miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010

Spindex, la nueva red social de Microsoft?

Here at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, Microsoft has announced its newest social media project: Spindex, a tool that currently aggregates social information from Facebook, Twitter, Bing, Evernote, and RSS.

The application, which is only available in limited preview to attendees of the Web 2.0 Expo, is an attempt to "make sense of your social overload" by giving you the ability to glance at what is hot in your social networks. It is a project of the Microsoft FUSE Lab, whose goal is to create new products that deliver a better social and real-time experience.

At first glance, Spindex sounds similar to FriendFeed or even Google Buzz, but in reality the project is an experiment that is sill in its early stages — there is no indication that Spindex will become a core Microsoft product.

We're going to gather more information on Spindex and test it out. Stay tuned to Mashable for updates.


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